News Report Template

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One of the key aspects about writing a news article is that initially, you put all important things at the top and then list the least important things at the bottom. This is basically a news report template which enables you to quickly write out your news article as per the priority of each item. As soon as an item is noted as significant, information about it is entered. Thus, your report becomes more concise and more easily understood. Moreover, you can create a list of headlines and significant points and then move down the list.

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In addition to helping you with writing the appropriate headline and subheadings, many news story report templates come with a number of graphics or graphs, pie charts, bar charts and the like. Allowing you to present a more detailed overview of any given topic. You may also want to add a table of data, a chart of data or a map, depending upon the nature of your report.

It is vital that the headline or the main point of discussion should be very catchy. This is especially true for news stories where emotions may run high due to some kind of controversy. The event being reported upon must have some sense of poise or magnetism. A news story about a certain sport, an attack by a deadly virus or even a new breakthrough in technology, will require a headline or a slogan that can grab hold of people’s attention and get them interested. This will then guide them to read the rest of the story.

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The subheadings or the body of your story is the next important part and is generally written in small print. This is where you state what the article is all about and what you think are its most important points. This is an extremely important part, as it acts as an information caterer for the article. Providing facts about the issue, giving an elaborate description and finally outlining various conclusions. It is also where you state if the article is for general public or a professional audience.

The third most important section is the introduction. This is where you explain what the article is all about and why it is important to you. It is usually written in small print to protect the identity of the source. It is here that you would like to include your contacts, the name of your company and a personal note. This section is also advisable to include a brief byline and link to your website in the resource box.

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News subheadings would be useful if you need to provide some details about a specific event. For instance, if you are reporting a story about a big explosion in London, you might want to mention that there were several people hurt in the blast. This would be good for news reports and would help you achieve your objective as a journalist. The byline should mention the organization that posted the news item online and a link to its website.

The next part is the body of your report. This part contains all the information you wish to relay about the news item you have written. Subheadings would be useful for placing a focus on a particular point such as the explosion in London. Your first sentence should clearly indicate what the article relates to and the second sentence should relay any other additional information or details you may deem important. Including any pictures or videos can dramatically increase the overall impact of your news article.

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You would then need to indicate the date you would like the news item to end. News items that are published shortly after they occur are generally more concise than those that take several days to finish. The final subheading or heading should again provide clarity about the nature of your writing. News reports can be quite lengthy, therefore it is advisable to provide alternate text for some sections. For example, instead of having the word’Authorities’ appear three times in one paragraph, you may prefer to use the wording, ‘Authorities Suggest’.

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