23 and me Report Example

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In their book, 23 And Me, the Multiple Sclerosis Society claims that this is an easy to use “personal trainer’s” guide for reversing chronic inflammation and pain. But they don’t tell you that the guide is just like any other that has been heavily marketed. They also don’t tell you that they’ve included testimonials from many others who are benefitting from their program. 23 And Me are also selling the same book that they used in their testimonial videos, too.

EP A2 Methods and materials for canine breed identification Google Patents
EP A2 Methods and materials for canine breed identification from 23andme report example , source:google.com

Chronic fibromyalgia continues to plague millions of people. There is no known cure for this disorder, but there are ways to manage it. Many physicians believe that it is neurological damage caused by abnormal brain chemistry. Scientists have also identified a handful of possible causes.

Fibromyalgia is not a joke. It is a real disorder with serious physical and emotional effects on the patient. Many doctors don’t believe that chronic fibromyalgia has a biochemical cause, but most scientists do agree that certain conditions may play a role in its development. One of those conditions is abnormal brain chemistry. Other symptoms can include depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and fatigue.

Lifestyle Medicine Nutrigenomic DNA testing with lifestyle analysis from 23andme report example , source:mydnahealth.co.uk

The symptoms of fibromyalgia can be similar to or worse than those of multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis sufferers report a deterioration of their quality of life as the disease progresses. In addition, the symptoms of chronic fibromyalgia mimic those of many other diseases. This is why so many of the symptoms of fibromyalgia are overlapping in patients.

In a video that 23 And Me make, the author, Allison Dawson, gives her perspective on how she started her own business at the age of 35 when she started suffering from fibromyalgia. She had tried countless things to no avail and she finally found success with a homeopathic method. Her story provides hope to other people who are hoping to find a cure for themselves or for their loved ones.

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MyHeritage Media Kit MyHeritage Media Kit from 23andme report example , source:media.myheritage.com

Many of the treatments that 23 and Me recommend to their patients are holistic. Most conventional doctors will not tell their patients to adopt this approach. Holistic medicine is based around the idea that disease starts inside of the body before it begins to damage the outside. Traditional medicine works by suppressing the symptoms and treating the ailment only. Patients of chronic fibromyalgia report a lack of improvement in their condition due to the fact that conventional medications are ineffective in treating the cause of their problems.

What does this have to do with chronic fibromyalgia? It means that when you suffer from a physical ailment, it does not necessarily mean that you will get better if you take prescribed drugs. Drugs merely work to mask the symptoms of pain and discomfort. They do not treat the problem at its source. People with chronic pain will need to learn to control their bodies in order to eliminate the symptoms and be free of chronic fibromyalgia.

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Somos Primos from 23andme report example , source:somosprimos.com

A lot of people suffering from chronic fibromyalgia also report changes in their moods and emotions. These changes can be very subtle, but some people do report feeling more upbeat after taking prescribed medication. Other people report feeling depressed following treatment. These cases show that while a drug may relieve pain, it may not work to make patients feel better on their own.

This is why 23 and me report a case of a patient who started off taking drugs to control her pain and has now stopped taking them because she has noticed that she starts to feel better without taking the drugs. She continues to work on getting healthy and learning to cope with her chronic fibromyalgia. Her progress has been inspiring to her.

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EP A2 Methods and materials for canine breed identification from 23andme report example , source:google.com

Patients with chronic fibromyalgia also report sleeping problems. It is not unusual for people to slip into a deep sleep during the day. However, when sleeping, they often wake up feeling less energetic and irritable than they did before they went to sleep. People with chronic fibromyalgia also report headaches and neck pain. Some even experience partial vision loss.

The good news is that you don’t have to live with chronic fibromyalgia. There are treatments available to help you cope with the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Your health care professional can refer you to a specialist such as a rheumatologist or an otolaryngologist. Together, they will work to develop a treatment plan based on your specific needs. By working together, they can develop a plan that can work for you.

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